+356 9920 0109
Notre but est d’aider les étudiants à travers le monde à trouver une entreprise pour qu’ils puissent effectuer un stage à Malte. Nous les aidons à trouver le stage qui répond à leurs besoins et à leurs souhaits à un taux compétitif. Grâce à ns entreprises partenaires, les stages dans lesquels vous serez amenez à travailler vous ferons vivre une expérience professionnelle enrichissante.
Mokell Internship Assistance help students from all over the world to find a host organization in Malta that suits with their expectations. For that, we offer an Internship Package which includes student placement, accommodation near the internship and other services to make the student stay pleasant.
We have a wide choice of internship and apartments : Everyone shall find what he needs.
We are working with respect with our partners and the students. It is one of our most important values.
Trust between us, the students and the companies. Everyone has to keep his word to have a good relationship.
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